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The Bride is Dowry

Greeting Readers! Why demand Dowry? Do you know about Dowry System? Today we'll talk about Dowry System keep reading...

Say no to dowry
What is Dowry System?
Dowry has become a curse for society. It is a social stigma. Common dowry is called that given by the parents of a girl in the marriage of a man and a girl, but now she is tarnishing and people from the groom's side are demanding TV, fridge, car etc..

 If the girl's father is unable to give them all, then they refuse to get marry or even if she gets married, the girl is bullied...        

 You must have seen that dowry goods are represented in many marriages. People are often shown how much dowry the groom has received .. The car, motorcycle and other belongings found in the dowry are also decorated .. 

 They are made to stand on the wedding Venue.. But no guest who came to the wedding took a picture of this stuff and complained to the police. None of the guests say that this is wrong... Most people are interested either in eating or in removing evils of marriage arrangements...    

✦ In India, the words of Fair and Very Fair are often used in the advertisement of weddings too. Most of the people living in India like to choose blonde life partner for themselves.  The color appearance of the bride and groom is seen as an obstacle in marriage.  

Relationships are also broken due to minor physical deficiencies.. Getting a clean colored daughter-in-law is still a priority for most families in India.  Obviously, with such a deep thinking, "A clean society cannot be built"

 "Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi had said that whoever makes dowry a necessary condition of marriage, defames his education, his country and also insults the entire women's race" 

 Mahatma Gandhi had said this before India's independence, but see the irony that people of our country still ask for dowry and the notes they get as dowry, the same picture of Mahatma Gandhi's on that, our society transcends all limits of shamelessness in the matter of taking and giving dowry...

Say no to dowry
"Don’t search for a shareholder, select a life-partner"

 Birth of Dowry System:-
In ancient times King Maharaja and Dhanik used to give diamonds, gems, gold, silver etc. In plenty to their daughters in marriage... 

✦ Gradually, this practice has spread in the whole world, you must have heard the saying that "The guilt that society acquires also becomes a virtue" and there is another reason for this, in Indian society, women are being considered inferior to men..

✦ Section 498A "The Act against Dowry System" in India:-
The government has enacted a strict legal section like 498A to stop the dowry system. But many times this section is also misused. Asking for a dowry ruins the life of the girl..

But making false dowry complaint ruins the life of the groom and his entire family.  However, following the directions of the Supreme Court, now the police, by registering a case under sections like 498A. First investigates instead of taking direct action..

✦ Conclusion:-
✦ Both government and society will have to make efforts to stop dowry.  The government will have to resort to stringent legislation to stop this practice.  If the law follows this practice with truth and strictness, then success can be achieved.

✦ There is more public support than law, every public should not take dowry only then this practice can stop.  In this, people of the youth should come forward and they should voluntarily marry and present the ideal without dowry.

✦ Therefore, in the society in which brides are tortured in place of love, a campaign will have to be done to end this practice, whose slogan will be "Bride is Dowry" only then we can get rid of this leprosy of society...

"Say No to Dowry"

✦ Are you also against of Dowry Practice? Give your views in comment section..

Thanks for reading!!


  1. Once again u have took a fabulous topic " that is dowry or dahej pratha" it's really hard to say that at present stage we still have the "Dowry System" going on.😟😟
    We all have to spread awareness regarding the same.
    It's shameful that even educated people demands for dowry 🙄😏😏
    But you really did a great job👍👍

    1. Thanks Vikas!
      I think u r absolutely right
      This is really a big sin.
      But some people continuously demanding a lot, Even they r educated
      This is really a shameless task...😥😥

  2. Wow..
    Very useful information and message for this generation and to their parents..
    And i stand against Dowry system🙌
    Because this system is eating our society..
    Very well written!! Keep it up👌

    1. Thank you so much!!
      I'm totally agree with your words .. I hope it ends ASAP...

  3. It's shame that dowry is still a thing in 2020. Even most of the educated people demands for dowry, I wish this thing will end soon. And you're doing great writing on this thing. Keep Going Riya!

    1. Thanks a lot!! And yes dis is still going rapidly.. And noticable thing is that no one is going to talk about that, this becoming a Rule for marriages .. I hope people will stop this thing 🙏🙏 Thanks again...

  4. I am speacless reading after this blog and i am also hate this system great information thank you for this superb👍 keep it up

    1. Thank a lot for support!! It's really appreciating that you all are against for this shit....:-|

  5. Once again u are absolutely correct!!👍👍Dowry system is not only making life hell for bride's
    family but also for groom's family because of false allegations...😮😯yss I'm completely against of it and I really want this to be completely remove from this world...Keep going in raising such a important topics..👌

    1. Thanks a ton Paridhi💕
      I'm really feeling good to know that you are also against for this.. Let's be together and stop giving and taking this .. 🙏

  6. this is a disgusting part of our culture. Because of dowry girl commit sucide bcz after wedding her in-laws tortured even in some case father also did. in some cases father sold his entire property. this is so so so shameful. after all this some people said "ldki boj hai" our society make it this "boj". jo log bheekh mangtey hai unhe paise de beti ni. #saynotodowry

    1. Thank you so much Gautam for your precious words, and yes it's true sometime the girl commit suicide just because of this...This is really a worst thing!!! Should be #End..🙏

  7. U can bring the change 🔥🥺
    Keep it up 🥂👍

    1. Yeh!! Sure Motive is that only, thank you very much..🙏

  8. Great work and a good collection of information. Loved it🔥.

  9. Shameful ro know women are still treated like this

    1. Yes it's a bitter truth😥 and we have to stop this.. Thanks..

  10. We need people like you to come ahead and talk about these cruel practices that prevails still...kudos!!

    1. Thanks Tina!! I'm totally concor with your words...

  11. We all have to spread awareness regarding the same.
    It's shameful that even educated people demands for dowry .
    U can bring the change

    1. Your support in this discussion is greatly appreciated and we look forward to continuing
      Thanks a lot!!!

  12. We all should raise voice against such shameful fact from thousands of years dowery is big social problem, very well done👍

  13. Your topic was really very nice, and with dowry the people also demand that the prepration of marriage, or garden or what to we say maan samaan of barati this was also create lot of pressure on girls family as well as on boys family.. The standard of marriage is the demand of time... But because of corona may be this get sorted...

    1. Thank you so much Bharti for reading!! Yes in some cases they demanding too as u said.. It should be change..

  14. Very informative article! In the tech-savvy era, still, the dowry system exists in the country. The bureaucrat should take initiative to stop this system in the future.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I am glad it was encouraging..
      I wish, that will be end one day..🙂

  15. Dowry is a social evil in the society, that has caused unimaginable tortures and crimes towards women. We always keep saying that dowry is a bad thing and we should stop this but we aren't doing anything to stop. Just by saying it won't make any difference. Now, dowry is one of a major problem in our livelihood and I hope it will end soon. Btw great topic again Riya 😊

    1. Thanks for spending your time on my blog!! I think you are almost saying right that we should take a serious step towards this and stop giving and taking...

  16. Once again you have took a fabulous topic.Dowry system is a crime and illegal.This is creating a mess and neagtive environment in society.
    But you really did a great job 👌👌
    Keep it up👍👍

    1. Thanks a lot Monia!!! As I'm extremely agree with your precious words...

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks a ton for giving your time on that!!🙂

  18. Nice did a great job...

  19. Nice did a great job...

  20. Bhaut hi acha topic hh riya ji shame aani chaiye unn bride ko Orr unke ghr walo ko Jo kisi baap se uski veti ka saodha krte hh na ki unse Saadi I really hate those person who taken the dowry are yrrr wo ye nhii sochte ki kitni mehnt se uske baap me usko pdhaya hh ek dowry ki piche pta nii kitne parents me sucide kiya hh dear Orr wo log ye nhi sochte ki baap toh ap ko bhi bnna hh yadi ap se koi dhun mange tohhh yrrrrr shame those people yrr kayin logg shaddi hone ke baaad ladki par attyachar krte hhh wo bhi ghnde logg hhh aise people ko tohh bahut buri wali maut milni chaiye dear

  21. Riya ji aapane Apne Blog ke madhyam se bahut hi jaruri topic ko liya hai jiske madhyam se aap samaj ke kurutii ko dur karne ka prayas kar rahe hain yah sarhaniy prayas hai. Kripya mahilaon ki awaaz per aap uthati rahiya


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