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How to build self confidence and self-esteem?

How to build self confidence and self-esteem

So firstly you must ask yourself that what is your biggest strength? By knowing the answer to this question will give you lot of confidence!!

Confidence is a KEY, whether we're talking about going on job interview, approaching a girl, or making new friends, being confident will help you achieve it all. 

Nobody is born with limitless self confidence. If someone seems to have incredible self confidence, it's because he or she has worked on building it for years. Nervousness always blocks the way for success in your life, 

Self confidence is something that you can develop at any age. If you're going to be successful and want to make your dreams come true, then you have to have self confidence and for that most important thing is just believe in yourself first.

You'll also like to read:- "Let's stop comparing ourselves to each other"

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. In fact, self-confidence level of a person is very important for true success. 

Self-confident people are admired by others and inspire confidence in others. They face their fears head-on and tend to be risk takers. 

They know that no matter what obstacles come their way, they have the ability to get past them. Self-confident people tend to see their lives in a positive light even when things aren't going so well, and they are typically satisfied with and respect themselves.

If one thinks positively, then positive energies are attracted towards him and he gets positive results and vice-versa. 

Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful powers you possess. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for everything. 

Your predominant thoughts influence your behavior and attitude and control your actions and reactions.

So it is one of the big factor of our personality. Self confidence is one of the big reason which separates the people from crowd.

Every successful person having this quality, so if you want to become a successful in life you have to earn this quality:

Giving you some tips which will help you to improve your self confidence. And if you follow this tips you will become a self confident person.

Tips to improve self confidence are as follow:

1) Improve your dressing sense

2) Meditation can also Increase Confidence.

3) Always keep eye to eye contact

4) Remember your past achievements

5) Do not afraid to make mistakes

6) Do not afraid to take risk 

7) Focus on things that you can do

8) Always stay around the people who believes on you

9) Know your strength and weakness

10) Never share your weakness with anyone keep it secret 

11) Do not fear from mistakes

12) Practice continuously

13) Keep learning new things or skills

14) Increase your knowledge

15) Never compare yourself with anyone

16) Always make a deadline for your work to be done

17) Stop making bad decisions

18) Love yourself first

19) Always take care of your body and food for it, take healthy food

20) Avoid Toxic people, negative people 

Most important "Stop Expecting from others." and "Be helpful for others"

Once you achieve your goal then create a new goal, If you fail, that's ok, It's life don't worry because you can move forward, so don't give up. Falling will happen so don't be afraid to fail. 

You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be YOU

Remind you that success alone doesn't predict confidence, It certainly lubricates the process only. So just believe in yourself and always try in a loop.

Friends if you will follow these tips, I am 100% sure that you can improve your self confidence easily. and if you like it then share it with your friends 




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